Well disinfection procedure
A water pumping system not taken care of properly can break down prematurely, especially if the water contains a lot of minerals. You can find in our store the recommended product to disinfect the well: calcium hypochlorite granules, or we can take care of your maintenance if you need it.
Warning: Please read instructions completely before starting
First remove the well cover and remove the electrical wiring.
Then pour the chlorine tablets WELL SANITIZER (recommended) into the well, one cup per 100 feet.
Close the main valve of the house.
Connect the garden hose directly to the blue tank.
Place the other end of the hose inside the well. Fill the well (be careful that no one uses the water during the sterilization process).
Open the tap and circulate the water for about 2 to 4 hours. This will allow the chlorine WELL SANITIZER to circulate and clean the well and your trench. You will notice a chlorine smell at the house outlet.
After 2 to 4 hours, you must take out the garden hose and place it away from the well, to clear the water before sterilizing the plumbing in your home. It may take a few hours before the water is clear. There should still be WELL SANITIZER left in the well to clean the interior. If you non longer smell the chlorine, you can add a half cup of WELL SANITIZER.
You must reduce the tap flow, in order to not empty the well.
Watch from time to time the evolution of your water and wait until the water becomes very clear.
Once the water is really clear, close the tank valve.
*** As soon as the water is clear you can start sterilizing your plumbing but be careful to make sure you bypass your water treatment and remove any filters if you have them. ***
Slowly open the main valve.
Don’t forget to remove the small filter from the taps.
Then open the cold water taps one by one until the smell of chlorine is present and close the tap without forgetting the taps outside the house. Do not forget to close the washer and dishwasher taps last.
To cut the hot water, make sure to close the circuit breaker.
Then follow the same steps for hot water, open the taps one by one until the smell of chlorine is present. Then close the taps and let the water sit. The water may change color but don’t worry, this is completely normal. Be careful not to ingest any water because of the high concentration of chlorine.
Close the main valve.
As soon as you’ve done all the plumbing, you need to re-drain the well again.
Open the tap at a low flow rate, to not empty your well and to drain the remaining chlorine. As soon as your well no longer smells of chlorine and the well is clear, you can close everything. Then you open your plumbing taps until you no longer smell chlorine.
You can put your well cover back on.
At the end of the procedure, don’t forget to turn the hot water circuit breaker back on and put your water treatment back into service.
If you wish to have the water analyzed, wait at least one week once there is no longer a chlorine smell present.
NOTICE: The above instructions are supplied for your information only. We are not responsible for any damage or inconveniences related to the above operation. For more security, our technicians can assist you at home, at our regular hourly rate.

Example of premature pump wear caused by water with a high metal content

Hypochlorite de calcium en granules

Hypochlorite de calcium en granules